Product: ListManager
Question: What is a segment?
Solution: A segment is a query that limits the recipients for a mailing. This can be leveraged to target a particular demographic.To create a segment:
- Navigate to Segments on the navigation bar
- Click "Create New Segment"
- Provide a segment name, the name must be all lower case with no spaces
- Provide a description
- Click "Insert Clause" to choose the criteria of the segment
- On the text field tab, you can choose the Domain field to send only to a certain ISPs domain.
- For "If member text field:" select "members_.Domain_"
- For "Is:" select "= equal to"
- For "This value:" type the name of the domain, e.g. ''
- On the date tab, you can target members that joined in the current month by selecting DateJoined.
- For "If this:" select "exact date and time"
- For "In this field:" select "members_.DateJoined_"
- For "Is:" select "> after"
- For "This date:" type the date for the first of the month (or other recent date).
- On the Action tab, you can target members based on if they opened the previous mailing.
- For "If list member:" select "opened"
- For "This mailing:" select the last mailing sent from the dropdown.
7. Click "Save".
As an option, you can click "save and test'. Save and test will execute the segment. Recipients that match the segment criteria will be displayed.