Viewing articles tagged 'Wordpress'

Link Tracking Parameters Break Links to Wordpress Pages in Mailings For tracking, ListManager adds extra data to the ends of links. This can break linking to... Adding a Link in WordPress Adding an Image in WordPress Administration Over SSL To easily enable (and enforce) WordPress administration over SSL, there are two constants that... Administration Screens The Administration Screen provides access to the control features of your WordPress installation.... Appearance Menus Screen The Menu Screen enables user to create a custom menu (also known as navigation bar, navigation... Applying Page Templates Before You Install Before You Install Before installing WordPress, you need to check that your web hosting... Blank White Screen (White Screen of Death) If you load up a page on your WordPress site and you are met with a blank white screen this is... Brute Force Attacks Unlike hacks that focus on vulnerabilities in software, a Brute Force Attack aims at being the... Comments Comments in WordPress Comments allow your website’s visitors to have a discussion with you... Common WordPress Errors .If you are encountering a WordPress error message or white screen, don’t panic. Someone has... Create a New WordPress Page Create a New WordPress Post Create a User in WordPress Custom Fields WordPress has the ability to allow post authors to assign custom fields to a post. This arbitrary... Custom Menus Dashboard Screen Dashboard → Home From the Dashboard Screen, you can quickly access your site’s content and get... Debugging in WordPress Debugging PHP code is part of any project, but WordPress comes with specific debug systems... Domain Names Exploring the Dashboard First Steps with WordPress I have done the 5-minute installation. Now what? I have done the 5-minute installation. Now what?... Formatting a Post Generating Pages In WordPress, you can put content on your site as either a “post” or a “page”. When you’re... Hardening WordPress Security in WordPress is taken very seriously, but as with any other system there are potential... How to Install a New WordPress Theme How To Install WordPress How to install WordPress WordPress is well-known for its ease of installation. Under... How to reset your WordPress password using phpMyAdmin. phpMyAdmin As an alternative, you can reset the password for a user via the WordPress database.... How to Turn On and Off PHP Errors in WordPress WordPress is built with PHP and when things go wrong on your site seeing the PHP errors can help... Installing Downloaded Plugins When you purchase a premium plugin, such as BackupBuddy, you cannot install it directly from the... Installing Multiple WordPress Instances   Installing Multiple WordPress If you need multiple WordPress instances, there... Installing Plugins Installing Plugins from the WordPress Repository Installing plugins to your site from the WordPress Repository is quick and simple. There are... Login Trouble f you are having trouble logging in to your WordPress Administration Screen, here are some... Manage WordPress Comments Managing Plugins What are plugins? WordPress Plugins are PHP scripts that extend the functionality of WordPress.... Moving WordPress Whether you are moving WordPress to a new server or to a different location on your server, you... Open Developer Console in Various Browsers The Developer Console is a powerful tool when troubleshooting website issues. Often sharing a... Optimization Whether you run a high traffic WordPress installation or a small blog on a low cost shared host,... Password Best Practices Securing your WordPress starts with a strong password. A strong password is complex and... Post Types WordPress houses lots of different types of content and they are divided into something called... Post VS Pages Requirements To run WordPress we recommend your host supports: PHP version 7.3 or greater MySQL... Restoring Your Database From Backup Using phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin is a program used to manipulate databases remotely through a web... Roles and Capabilities WordPress uses a concept of Roles, designed to give the site owner the ability to control what... Schedule Posts Tips for Submitting Support Requests At some point while developing or sustaining your site, there is a good chance you're going to... Two Step Authentication Also known as Two-Factor Authentication. Two-step authentication is showing up all over the... User Profile Users Your Profile Screen Users → Your Profile The Your Profile Screen is... Using 2 Factor-Authenication Using Categories and Tags Using Media Library Using Permalinks Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your individual weblog posts, as well as categories and... Using the Admin Bar Using Themes What is a Theme? Fundamentally, the WordPress Theme system is a way to “skin” your... Using Widgets What is a Plugin? What is a WordPress Theme? What is WordPress? Where to Start? New to WordPress – Where to Start If you are new to WordPress, here is a step-by-step... WordPress Backups Your WordPress database contains every post, every comment and every link you have on your blog.... WordPress Password Security WordPress Privacy User Privacy and your WordPress site Depending on your national or international privacy... WordPress Quick Install. WordPress Settings WordPress Simple Secutiry Tips for Beginners WordPress Theme Twenty Nineteen Twenty Nineteen Twenty Nineteen is the new default theme for WordPress Version 5.0. At the... WordPress Version 5.1.1 Features Version 5.1.1 On March 13, 2019, WordPress 5.1.1 was released to the public.... WordPress Widgets WordPress Widgets add content and features to your Sidebars. Examples are the default widgets... Writing Posts WordPress Editor The WordPress Editor is a brand-new publishing experience. You can use it... Your WordPress Login
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