Viewing and Subscribing to Forums Print

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Viewing Forums

To view all available forums for a site, in the side navigation bar, click All Forums. You will see a list of all the public forums available on the site you logged into. (For more information about logging into a site, see Accessing and Logging into the Discussion Forum Interface.)


Twenty forums are displayed at one time. To view more, click Show more. Repeatedly clicking Show more will show greater numbers of forums at a time. Click Next to see the next twenty listings, Previous to see the last twenty.


You can change the sorting order of the forums by clicking the up or down triangles next to NameDescription, and Members Only?. By clicking the top triangle, the sort order will be ascending (a-z); clicking the bottom arrow makes the sort order descending (z-a). Click Next to see the next twenty members, Previous to see the last twenty, or Show more to see up to a hundred forums.



The name of the forum. Click on the forum name to read the messages for a forum. If you are already logged in, or if the list allows non-members to view messages, you will be taken to the Messages page where you can read the forum's messages. If you are not logged in, and the list allows only members to read its messages, you will be asked to log in. If you are not a member of such a list, you will need to subscribe to the forum before you will be able to access it.



A description of the forum.


Members Only?

Whether or not reading the forum's messages is restricted to members, or if anyone may read them.


Subscribing to a Forum

To subscribe to a forum, click the Subscribe command for the forum. If you are logged in, you will be subscribed with your current settings. Depending on the forum's settings, you may be prompted for the following:


New Subscriber Password

The password required to join this forum. Some forums require that you specify a password in order to join. If this forum is password-protected, you must specify it here.


Your Email Address

The email address which should receive the email from this forum.


Your Name

The name you'd like to be associated with your membership to this forum. This setting may be optional or required, depending on the forum. If you are already logged in, this field will be populated with the full name for the list you are currently logged into, or the name that is used most frequently for your email address on the server.


Set a Password

The password you'd like to use in order to access this forum. This setting may be optional or required, depending on the forum. If you are already logged in, this field will be populated with your password for the list you are currently logged into.


Be aware that you may not be added immediately. You may need to reply to a confirmation message in order to activate your membership. Or, your membership may be pending the approval of an administrator. Check your email for the status of your subscription.


Unsubscribing to a Forum

To unsubscribe to a forum

1. In the side navigation bar, click My Forums.

2. Click the Unsubscribe command next to the forum name. ListManager will ask if you are sure that you would like to unsubscribe yourself (or that particular email address) from the forum.


To unsubscribe from all forums

1. In the side navigation bar, click My Forums.

2. Click the Unsubscribe All button.

NOTE   If you are the list administrator for a particular list, you cannot unsubscribe from that particular list.

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