Creating a Text Only message Print

  • Text messages, mail from
  • 0

Creating a text-only message:

  1. Navigate to "Mailings : New Mailing"
  2. Input the default mailing fields in the Message tab
    • Mailing name - An internal identifying name
    • From - This is the source email address; the "mail from:"
      • This must follow valid email formatting
      • Example: "Display Name" <>
    • To - This is populated automatically, do not change this from %%nameemail%%
    • Subject - Include the desired subject line for the message
  3. Select the Tracking tab
    • Set radio buttons about Track opens, Detect HTML capability and Track all URLs to "no" in order to disable all tracking features
  4. Select the Message tab
    • Click on the Disable HTML Editor button
      • Delete all HTML code contained in the HTML message box
  5. Populate the Text message box with the desired message
  6. Save the mailing by clicking the Save button
    • The mailing is now saved into "Mailings: Approval: Need Approval"
      • The "Test" link can be used to send test message of the mailing
      • Clicking the ID of the mailing will re-open it for further editing
  7. Once the mailing is satisfactory, click the "Send" link
  8. After clicking OK button to send, the mailing will be sent to all members in the list

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