Adding an unsubscribe link to a mailing can be accomplished by the following two methods.
Method 1 - Using a merge tag
- To add a unsubscribe link to your message with a merge tag. Simply add the merge tag %%url.unsub%% to your content. This will generate an URL in the message.
Method 2 - Customizing a unsubscribe link
- Navigate to Content: View Content
- Click on the Create New button
- Navigate to the HTML Message tab
- Click on the Insert URL button
- Navigate to the Unsubscribe tab
- Specify the following options
- Insert what options
- linked text - This option will insert the clickable word “Unsubscribe”
- linked graphic - This option will insert a “Unsubscribe” button
- URL - This option will insert an unencoded URL
- Email notification
- yes - The member will receive an email notifying they have been unsubscribed
- no - The member will not be sent an email notification
- From all lists
- yes - The member will be unsubscribed on all lists
- no - The member will be unsubscribed on the current list
- Confirm
- yes - The member will be sent an email confirming they want to unsubscribe
- no - The member will not be sent an email confirmation
- Show Confirming Web Page
- yes - The member will be directed to a web page asking if they want to unsubscribe
- no - The member will be unsubscribed immediately
- Destination URL (optional)
- If specified, this will redirect the member to the webpage after clicking on the Unsubscribe link
- Append Unsubscribe Information to the Destination URL
- This option will pass information about the unsubscribing member into the destination URL, potentially to be used by a script. The options are:
- e = Email address
- id = Member id and character uniquely identifying this member.
- l = Lists, separated by spaces.
- c = Confirm unsubscribe via email. Options are (T)rue or (F)alse.
- n = Send email notification of the unsubscribe. Options are (T)rue or (F)alse.
- u = Destination URL after unsubscribing.
- w = Show page asking unsubscribers to confirm before completing unsubscribe
- a = Append unsubscribe information to destination URL. Options are (T)rue or (F)alse.