How to change the subject line of a 'New Subscriber Hello Message Print

  • Hello Message, Subject Line, new subscriber form
  • 0

ListManager contains default templates that can be used to automatically send out specialized content when users perform certain actions.  For example ,functionality exists to automatically send out a hello message when a new subscriber joins a list.  
ListManager offers a standard hello template that contains the following header information:

Example Header:

From: %%listmanager.hdrfromnoreply%%

To: %%recip.hdrto%%
Subject: Re: %%listname%%

Although the standard header works well for most situations, it can be modified to suit an organization's needs.

Changing the subject line message header:

  1. Log in as a server administrator
  2. Navigate to "Utilities: Automated Messages: Document Content"
  3. Select "Server Templates" from the drop-down field
  4. Locate the template named, "Template-List-Hello"
  5. Click "Copy"
  6. Populate "New Name", "New Description"
  7. Navigate to the field "Destination List(s)"
  8. Select a list, hold down the CTRL key to select multiple lists
  9. Click "Save"
  10. Navigate to Utilities: Automated Messages: Document Content
  11. Select "List Templates" from the drop-down field
  12. Locate the template created from the previous step
  13. Click the template name to edit
  14. Modify the fields in the "Essentials" tab as desired
  15. Click "Save"

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