From and To message formatting Print

  • From Address, fromatting
  • 0



The name and email address that should appear in the messages From line. By default, your email address will appear in this field.

Examples of valid values for this field:
Bob Smith <> (Bob Smith)
"Bob Smith" <>
Bob Smith Dr <>
"Bob Smith, Dr" <>

Separate the sender name and email address with brackets or parentheses.
When using punctuation in the sender's name, place quotes around the name.


The name and email address that should appear in the messages To: line. By default, the mail merge tag %%nameemail%% appears in this field, which will merge in each recipient's name and email address. If you'd like to have a name and email address, put the name in quotation marks, and the email address in angle brackets.

Examples of valid values for this field:

"Jazz List" <>

If you mailing fails or aborts in the incoming queue, you may see a "Malformed From address in header" error in the transact log

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