Customizing the Confirmation Message for Lists Print

  • Automated Messages, confirm messages
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Product: ListManager

Version: 9.3/10.x

How to customize the confirmation message for lists?

This solution will show how to create a personalized list confirmation message. 

1. Navigate to "Utilities: Automated Messages: Document Content"
2. Click on the Create from Template button
3. For Choose a Template select template-list-confirm
4. Click the "OK" button
5. Fill out the Content name
6. Fill out the Description
7  Fill out the Subject
8. Click the tab marked either HTML Message  or Text Message  
9. Change the content to suit your needs but keep in mind you have to have either the %%url.confirm%% or %%email.confirm%% tags in the message in some form or another
10. Click the "Save" button

Next associate the new document to the action:
1. Navigate to "Utilities: Automated Messages: Document Associations"
2. Click the Create New button
3. Under Message, type pull down the List Confirm Document
4. Under the Document select the newly created document
5. Select "yes" for Is Default?
6. Click the "Save" button


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