How to schedule a mailing?
Mailings can be scheduled for future times.
Scheduling a Mailing
- Navigate to "Mailings: New Mailing"
- Input the HTML, Text, headers, and any other options as normal.
- Change to the "Schedule" tab.
- Change the "Send when:" radio button to "schedule for" and define the date and time.
- The "Rewrite date when sent:" option will specify whether the mailing should be marked with the date at the time of sending, instead of creation date.
- (optional) The "Resend after this many days:" option provides the ability to make the mailing recurring.
- (optional) The "Don't attempt after date:" option provides an expiration date to stop resending the mailing if that option is used.
- Save the mailing.
Note: that this mailing will no longer appear under: "Mailings: Approval: Need Approval". It will now appear under: "Mailings: Scheduled"