Adding an Image inside the Mailing Print

  • Images in a mailing, remote image
  • 0

The image library inside List manager is a repository for image links for use in templates and content. 

Images in the image library are available for drag and drop into templates and content.

To add an image to the Image Library

To upload a new image path: 

1. Navigate to Content: Image Library 

2. Click Include Remote Image. 

3. If desired, type a name in the Image Name box. 

4. In the Image URL box, type the path to the image. 

5. Click Include. 

To add an image link inside the message

1. Navigate to Content: Create New Content. 

2.. Input Content name, Description, and Subject. 

3. Click the tab HTML Message 

4. Click on the Insert/Edit Image icon. 

5. In the pop-up window, click on Browser Server. 

6. Select the image, and click OK. 

You can now click Create Mailing. The content will automatically be saved. You can now also import the content through the New Mailing creation.

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