Send a Mailing to All Normal Members on All Lists Print

  • news segemetns, normal members, multiple lists
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How to send a mailing to all normal members on all lists?

This solution describes the steps to send a mailing to all normal members on all lists. 

 Note: This solution requires a "Pro" or "Enterprise" license.

Sending a mailing to all normal members on all lists:

  1. Navigate to "Segments"
  2. Click "Create New Segment"
  3. Navigate to the "Essentials" tab
  4. Populate the "Segment name:" field
  5. Populate the "Description:" field
  6. Click "Insert Clause" to create the segment criteria
  7. Navigate to the "Text" tab to build the segment criteria
  8. Populate the field "If member text field:",  select "members_.MemberType_"
  9. Populate the field  "Is:", select "= equal to"
  10. Populate the field "This value:", select  “normal”
  11. Click the insert button
  12. Navigate to the "Boundaries" tab
  13. Click the radio button for “Pull only list ’s members:”,  select “no”
  14. Click "Save"
  15. Create a mailing using the newly created segment



If a member is associated with multiple lists, they may receive duplicate email messages.



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