There is no hard limit that ListManager imposes for suppression list file size. Many factors may play a role in the limit on a system. Hardware/OS configuration may be a factor:
- the size of the database
- the total size of your member's table
- the size of the list
- the number of members in the suppression list.
A large suppression list may not complete. It may complete without errors but may literally take days to complete. Also while the suppression list is being worked on no other mail will be processed.
Here are a couple of suggestions to speed up the process:
- Take the logic outside of ListManager. Find the common email addresses between the list and the current suppression list.
- Load the suppression list as an "opt out" list, in other words, a list of members who do not want to get the mail.
- Create a segment to determine the members of the list that are not members of the "opt-out" list. It is quicker for our system to compare two different lists that are already in the system then to compare a suppression list.