How to add members from a .csv file?
- Navigate to "Members: Add Members: Import Members from CSV File"
- For "Action:" there are additional options to send a welcoming document, or require confirmation to join the list
- The "Update existing members?:" provides the option to update demographic information on existing members.
- Click "Browse" to find the text file for upload.
- The first row of the .csv file tells ListManager which field the data in each column should be imported into.
- The "EmailAddr_" column name is required. Any other demographic that has been added may also be referenced.
- EmailAddr_,FullName_,Company,Phone,Bob Shelby,Shelby orp.,555-555-5555
EmailAddr_ and FullName_ correspond to the default database fields in the members_ table for email addresses and full names. Additional fields called "Company" and "Phone" have been added as demographics, so this information can also be imported into each member's record. (These fields are not provided by default)
- Click "Import" to begin the import task.