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Outlook Settings

Outlook is an e-mail client and personal information manager from Microsoft. It contains e-mail, calender, Task Manager, Contact Manager, note taking, a journal, and Web browsing.

View Outlook Settings

  1. Click the  Exchange service status icon to expand the list.

  2. From here, select the View Advanced Settings icon.

  3. An Editing Exchange Settings pop-up window will appear on your screen.

Outlook Configuration With an Exchange Account Using the AutoDiscover Service

This configuration is fairly easy to setup with the AutoDiscover service. You will only need the primary email address, username, and password to set up this configuration.

  1. From the Windows Startup, select Control Panel and click the  Mail icon.

  2. Click the Show Profiles... button.

  3. In the Mails window, create a new profile by clicking the Add… button.

  4. In the New Profile pop-up dialog box, enter a profile name (e.g., Work Email) of the user and click OK.

  5. From here, enter the user name (your name), full e-mail address, and password in the appropriate text boxes. When you are done, click Next>.

  6. You will be redirected to a pop-up windowSelect Don’t ask me about this website again, and then click the Allow button, respectively. (Please note that  this pop-up window appears once the DNS has been changed. If the administrator already changed it, it will appear earlier.)

  7. If the customer has an AutoDiscover record and data was entered correctly, then a Congratulations configuration message will appear on the pop-up window. Click the Finish button.

  8. To ensure Outlook opens your new profile by default, change your profile in the drop-down menu to your newly created profile. Then click Apply and OK.

  9. Open Outlook, sign in using the full email address and password for the account. (Please select the Remember my password check box before clicking the OK button.)

  10. Once Outlook has opened, you may view the Microsoft Exchange Connection Status to verify that everything is connected correctly.

Manual Outlook Configuration With an Exchange Account

[Note that if AutoDiscover is not available, then you will need a username, password, and the associated globally unique identifier (GUID) to access Outlook with Hosted Exchange.]

  1. Login to the Customer Portal at
  2. On the Users Admin tab, select the email address of the user.
  3. The menu will expand. Click the (1) Exchange tab and (2) copy the GUID.
  4. From the Windows Startup on your PC, select Control Panel and click the  Mail icon.
  5. Click the Show Profiles... button.

  6. In the Mails window, create a new profile by clicking the Add… button.
  7. In the New Profile pop-up dialog box, enter a profile name (e.g., Work Email) of the user and click OK.  

  8. In the Add Account window, select the Manual setup or additional server types option button and click Next.

  9. Select the Microsoft Exchange Server or compatible service option button and click Next.

  10. In the Server Settings window, (1) paste the GUID copied in Step 3 into the Server field, (2) enter the full email address in the User Name field, (3) choose how much local mail to keep on your computer, ensure the Use Cached Exchange Mode box is selected and (4) click More Settings.

  11. On the following window, (1) select the Connection tab, (2) select the Connect to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP check box and (3) click the Exchange Proxy Settings button.

  12. In the Microsoft Exchange Proxy Settings window, provide the following information and click OK:

(1) Enter the proxy address for your account:  US - -or- Outside US

(2) Ensure the Only connect to proxy servers that have... check box is selected and enter in the provided field.

(3) Ensure both the On fast networks... and On slow networks... check boxes are selected.

(4) Ensure the Proxy Authentication settings are set to Basic Authentication.

  1. On the following window, click Apply and then click OK.

  2. On the Add Account window, click the Check Name box to the right of the user name to check the settings against the exchange server and enter the password when prompted.  If the settings are correct, the User Name and Server name will be underlined.  Click Next to continue. (If the settings are not correct and an error message is displayed, recheck the settings and password. Login to webmail at using the browser.)

  3. On the Change Account window, click Finish to complete the configuration of Outlook 2013 with Hosted Exchange.

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