Trademark Symbols in the Subject Line of a Lyris LM Mailing Print

  • quoted-printable, encoding, subject line
  • 0


When you attempt to insert a symbol like Recorded ® Copyright © or Trademark ™ into the Subject line of a ListManager message and the message is received the symbol is replaced with a Replacement Character that looks like a black diamond with a question mark inside �. You would like to know how to get the correct symbol to appear.


  1. Log on to List Manager

  2. Navigate to Mailings > New Mailing

  3. Click the Internationalization tab

  4. Select the ISO-8859-1 - Latin alphabet No. 1character set

  5. Ensure that the default setting of quoted-printable is set for Text section encoding and HTML section encoding

  6. Click the Message tab

  7. Enter your Subject, including the symbol(s)you wanted to include

  8. Finish creating the message as you normally would, then click Save and Test

When you arrive at the Preview Content page, the symbol(s) are displayed correctly on the Subject line. When the mailing is sent, the symbol(s) are correctly displayed on the Subject line as well. 

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