Before beginning warming up of the IP, first set up:
- DKIM/Domainkeys
- Feedback loops
Knowledge base articles describing how to set up these features are available in the Support Knowledge Base accessible via the Customer Portal.
Once feedback loops have been configured Google search for "whitelisting" and the name of the provider for instructions on how to request whitelisting.
After those features have been set up begin a campaign of mailings to warm up the IP.
Begin your Warm Up Campaign
When warming up an IP it's good to limit sending to some providers and gradually ramp up over time.
To accomplish this:
Create a segment to match members at those domains.
1. Create a new segment.
2. Make a clause:
If member text field members_.EmaiAddr_ is contains this value:
3. Save the segment.
4. Repeat these steps to create a segment for each provider.
Set a sample size for the mailing.
When creating a new mailing, go to the recipients tab and put a value into the Send to This Many Members box.
First Week:
Hotmail: 5,000 - 10,000 messages/day
Yahoo: 4,000 messages/day
AOL: 9,000 messages/day
Second and Successive Weeks:
Double number of messages per provider every third day while monitoring bounces
Verify List Settings
1. Navigate to:
Utilities : List Settings : Discussion Group Features : Message Rejection Rules [ Same Message Rules ]
2. Verify that "Allow duplicate postings" is set to "no" (that's the default setting).
ListManager looks at the entire message body to determine if a posting appears to be a duplicate.
Note that if duplicate postings are sent in multipart-alternative format, the content of the message may be the same but the boundaries may differ, causing a seemingly duplicate posting to be sent.
Segment to Capture Other Members
Then create a segment that matches the inverse of the other segments to send to all other providers.
1. Create clause 1:
If member text field members_.EmaiAddr_ is does not contain this value:
2. After creation of the first clause and insertion of the first clause, use the [ and ] button to specify that the next clause will also apply.
3. Create clause 2:
Same as the first clause except specify
4. Repeat these steps to insert a clause for AOL.
--Purging Against Previous Mailings--
Purge any and all previous segment mailings in order to mail to the next group of members in a specific domain.
Note: Select mailings to purge from is only available when creating a new message. Once the message has been saved mailings to purge from cannot be selected on the Recipients tab.
1. Select “Available Mailings to Purge From” in the “Choose Mailings” option within the Recipient’s tab.
2. Select all previous mailings sent, adding them to the “Chosen Mailings to Purge From” in the Purge Mailings box, then click OK.
3. Continue the mailing setup process to complete the mailing and then send a test.
4. Once testing is complete, send the mailing.