Editing Your Settings on a Fourm Print

  • forum setting
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If you are a member of a forum, you can edit your settings via email commands, or through the discussion forum interface.


1. In the left Navigation bar, click My Account. ListManager will prompt you to log in if you haven't already.

2. The My Account page shows your settings on two separate tabs: Essentials and Advanced. You can edit your settings here.

3. Click Save Changes. This saves the changes made to your account. Click Cancel to abort any changes you've made. Click Log Out to log out of the discussion forum interface. You will be prompted to log in again as a different user.



Your Email Address

The email address you've logged in with. To change it, edit it here and then click Save Changes.


Your Name

The name (if any) associated with your membership record. To change it, edit it here and click Save Changes.



To change the language of the user interface, click the drop-down list and then choose a language.



New/Verify Password

Your password. If specified, you must use this password to log into the discussion forum interface. For your security, your password is shown as asterisks here. Depending on your settings, having a password may or may not be optional. Note that if you change your password, you will need to log into the discussion forum interface again with your new password.


To change the password, it must be entered twice to verify it has been entered correctly.


If the address has multiple accounts on the server, there will be an option to change the password for all administrators that have this email address and who used the previous password.


There will also be an option to send the specified email address a link to change the password.


Apply Changes

By default, changes you make to your account apply to all of your subscriptions on the server. If you change your email address, for example, it will be changed for all forums. By selecting "No", the changes you are making will apply only to the list you are currently logged into (shown in the upper right corner of the screen). You may also have an email sent that contains a link which will allow you to change the password for all of your forums.


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