Subscription Reports Versus Subscriber Activity Reports Print

  • Subscriber Report, New member report, Activity Report, unsubscribe report
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What is the different between Subscription Reports and Subscriber Activity Reports

The two biggest differences in the two is the "Normal Members" and "Unsubscribe Members"

In the Subscriber Activity Reports, New Members shows all members who have joined that List from a given time regardless if they unsubscribe within that time frame.
In the Subscription Reports, it shows only those who are still normal within the same time frame.  Example: from July 1st to July 7th there were 50  new members who subscribe, of those 50, 20 unsubscribe the same week.
Subscriber Activity Reports will show 50 New Members including the unsubscribes too.
Subscription Reports will show 30 "New normal Members". ( will not show the unsubscribe)

For the Unsubscribe Members in the Subscriber Activity Reports, it only shows those members who still unsubscribe.  Example
100 members unsubscribe, but 5 members decide to op back in.  So the total unsubscribe will show 95.
In the Subscription reports, will show the total number of the members who have unsubscribe including those who have op back in,
so that report will show 100.

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