Check your firewall
If you can't access the API try accessing the API directly on the computer where ListManager is installed.
If this works check your firewall configuration to verify that the LMAPI port is open and forwarded to the ListManager server.
Check if the Microsoft Firewall service is running. If it is, disable it or add an exception for ListManager both inbound and outbound.
Check that the port is available and open
The LMAPI port setting is under:
Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Network Settings [Ports]
This setting specifies which port ListManager will listen for API calls on.
Check that the port specified in the LMAPI setting is open and accessible on the ListManager server.
NOTE: The ListManager Web service or ListManager Web application must be restarted to implement changes to these settings.
Check that there are no IP access restrictions
IP access restrictions are specified under:
Utilities: Administration: Server: Server Settings: Security [Web]
Check if there is any text in the box labeled "TCP/IP for API admins".
If there is any text in this box it will prevent ListManager from allowing access to the API other than by the IP addresses listed in the box. If there is any text in the box that is not a valid IP address, the API will be effectively disabled.
NOTE: The ListManager Web service or ListManager Web application must be restarted to implement changes to these settings.
Check the "Config disable_api" directive
The directive "Config disable_api" determines whether or not the API will be turned on.
Check that the Config disable_api directive in tclhttpd.rc is set to 1.
The file's default location is c:\[32 bit program files directory]\ListManager\tclweb\bin\
NOTE: The ListManager Web service or ListManager Web application must be restarted to implement changes to these settings.