Stopping an Active Mailing Print

  • pause mailing, stop mailing
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How to stop an active mailing. 
1. Navigate to "Mailings: Mailing Status: Mail Queues: Outgoing"
2. Choose the appropriate list (if unsure, choose "All Lists") from the List dropdown box.
3. Choose Type "Active Mailings"
4. Click on the mailing ID that you want to stop.
5. Click on the "Mail Queue" tab
6. Click on the button "Pause Mailing"
7. Click "OK" and the status will change to "Pausing"
Note: The mail may be in the pausing state for some time. Allow the pausing process to complete.  DO NOT TRY TO PAUSE MAILING AGAIN!
8. Refresh this page to obtain the latest status
9. Click on the "Stop Mailing" button when the mailing is fully paused
10. Choose the appropriate response
11. Click the "OK" button

The status of the mailing will be change to "Completed".

Note:  While the mail is pausing there may be a number of recipients which are in the process of being sent.  Once these recipients are processed, the mailing will be paused.  In addition, it is recommended that paused mailings, that are now outside the date range for archived mailings, are stopped if concerned about the processing overhead these introduce.

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