How to create a split test mailing?
The split test function is useful for running a comparative test of two versions of mailing content on two small random subsets of a mailing list. After observing the results, the more successful message can be sent to the rest of the list.
Creating a split test mailing
- Create two or more versions of content from "Content: New Content"
- Navigate to "Mailings: Advanced Mailings: Split Test Mailings: New Split Test Mailings Wizard"
- Define a "Split Test Name:" and "Split Test Description:" to identify the split test.
- Choose the desired "Segment:" to mail to. The entire list is selected by default.
- Choose a "Sampling Methodology:".
- Enter the total or percentage of members the test should go to.
- Enter the total or percentage of members the test should go to.
- Choose the desired content versions from the drop-down of "Content 1:" and "Content 2:".
- The "More" button will provide extra drop downs for testing more than two content versions at once.
- Define a "Split Test Name:" and "Split Test Description:" to identify the split test.
- Click the "Next" button
- Choose additional normal mailing options such as tracking and suppression
- Click the "Next" button
- Review the settings for the split test
- Click the "Send" button.
After the mailing is fully sent and members have been given some time to open the message, review the results to decide which content version to send to the remaining list members.
- Navigate to "Mailings: Advanced Mailings: Split Test Mailings: View Split Test Mailings"
- Click "View Results" link for the desired split test
- After reviewing the results, click the "Send Rest" link to send the remaining list members the more successful version of the content
After you use the Split Test Wizard to create the test, you can set the delivery date for each part on the Approvals screen.
Recipients for each part will be drawn from the same instance of an associated segment. The segment is generated when the part with the earliest delivery time is selected for processing. The resulting recipients are then allocated to each part.