How to view or modify list administrator options? Print

  • Lyris Administrator
  • 0

ListManager offers administrators the ability to quickly view and edit which members of a list have list administrator rights.  This solution describes the steps to view and reconfigure list administrator options.

Viewing and modifying:

1. Navigate to "Utilities : Administration : Administrators : List Administrators"
2. Click the Email Address of the  List Administrator to view or modify
3. Click on "List Admin" Tab and view or modify the "List Administrator" options

4. Click "Save"

List Administrator Options:      

  • Is this List Admin?: Identifies List Admin
  • Receive List Admin Mail: Determines whether this member receives email for this list's administrators.
  • Receive Moderation Notifications?:Determines whether this member receives email notifications of moderated messages to the mailing list, which need to be approved or rejected.
  • Bypass List Moderation?: This setting gives member the right to contribute messages to the mailing list without being moderated.
  • Permission Group: Select the URL page permission group for this list administrator from the drop-down menu. This enables administrators to either allow or deny access to specific URLs within ListManager.
  • Enable WYSIWYG EditorBy default the HTML editor is available to administrators in Content and Mailings. Some administrators may prefer to have the HTML editor in Content and Mailings. Some administrators may prefer to have the HTML editor always disabled, especially if they are always using their own HTML, which may be munged by ListManager's included HTML editor.


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