Mailing indicates zero total recipients Print

  • zero messages received, identical mailing, duplicate posting
  • 0

Within ListManager, go to Mailings: Mailing Status: Mail Queues: Outgoing: View Message: Recipients, total recipients indicates zero. 

Possible causes:

  •  An identical mailing has already been sent to the same member.  By default “Allow duplicate postings” is disabled.  
  •  The mailing uses a segment that returns zero member matches.


  • To allow duplicate posting, navigate to Utilities: List Settings: Discussion Group Features: Message Rejection Rules: Same Message Rules
  1. Select the  “Yes” radio button under “allow duplicate postings”.
  2. Select “cross-posted copies should be sent to recipients as listed” under “Cross-postings and duplicates”.
  3. Click the “Save” button to retain changes.
  • To modify and test a segment, navigate to Segments: Edit Segment

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