JoinDate Trigger Print

  • Triggered Segment, triggered event
  • 0


  1. Proceed to section (Segments: New Triggered Segment)
  2. From the main segments page, click Create New Triggered Segment. This opens the Segment: New Triggered Segment page.
  3. Enter a segment name and description, as with any segment.
  4. Select (insert trigger)
  5. From the date tab choose "Date type" (exact date and time) and "Date Field" (members_.DateJoined_) > Select Insert
  6. Save
  7. Proceed to section (Mailings: Advanced Mailings: Triggered Mailings: New Triggered Mailing Wizard)
  8. Enter trigger name
  9. Choose trigger segment from the dropdown box

Time after the Trigger Event

Select the number of hours/days/weeks/months/years before or after the trigger event the mailing should be sent. L

ListManager will see that the trigger event has occurred, and that the member(s) qualify to receive the mailing, but will not send the mailing immediately; rather it will delay it by the time specified here.

For instance, if a member purchased an item on August 29th, 2003, you can then send the mailing 2 days after the purchase (the trigger event) rather than immediately upon the purchase.

Then the setting would be "2 days afterwards".

The "before" option is for future triggers that you may anticipate, such as a member birthday or join date anniversary.

This would send the triggered mailing the set time prior to the upcoming event (i.e. birthday).


  1. Select the desired Content to be included in the triggered mailing from the drop-down menu. In order for the Content to appear here, it must first be created in Content: New Content.
  2. Once you click "OK," you will be asked to confirm the triggered mailing.

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