Add Admins to your list Print

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Any list administrator can make any other list member a list administrator. (If the person is not yet a list member, any administrator can make them a member and then give them administrative rights by following the steps below.)

    1. Log in to the Lyris administrator web interface.
    2. On the left, click Members.
    3. Under Members, click View Members
    4. Click the address of the member you want to work with. (You can sort the list of members by any of the columns on this screen by clicking once on the tiny up and down triangles next to each column name.)
    5. Click the gray List Admin tab.
    6. Set Is list admin and Receive list admin mail to Yes.
      Set the remaining to match your circumstances.

Is list admin?

If set to yes, this member will be able to access the List Administrator functions of the web interface. You are reading this article, so we assume this is what you came here to do.
(If set to no, this member won't ever see or use the web interface.)

Receive list admin mail?

Determines whether this member receives email for list administrators of this e-list, such as

      • messages sent to owner-listname (example:

      • error messages generated by the list

      • notifications of requests to join the list (if the list membership option is set to "private")

      • reports about the list (if the reporting options have been selected)

Receive moderation notifications?

Determines whether this member receives email notifications of moderated messages to the list, which need to be approved or rejected. If the list is not set for moderated messages, this setting has no effect.

Bypass list moderation?

If this list is set to moderate messages in some way, the bypass setting gives this member the right to contribute messages to the list without being moderated. In effect, it grants this member a "general approval" to contribute without approval. We recommend that you set this to no for all administrators.

      1. Click the gray Settings tab.
      2. Enter a temporary password (twice) for the new list administrator. Do not use your password; each administrator should have a unique password.
      3. Click Save.

Tell the new administrator that he or she needs to follow the steps in our Reset Your Lyris Password article before they can perform admin activities for this list. Here's the address:

If the person you just made an administrator of your list was already an administrator for another list, it's very easy for their password situation to get really confused.

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