Create a Moderated Discussion List for a Specific Segment That Can Be Managed Via Email Print

  • Discussion list, moderated messages, group messaging
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You would like to create a Moderated Discussion List where members can send content to the list email address and administrators can approve the content via email with the approved messages going to a specific Segment.

you want the approved messages to be forwarded to. The process of approving and forwarding the messages all take place using your email client.

Create a Moderated List

  1. Log on to Lyris LM as an Administrator

  2. Navigate to Utilities > Administration > Lists

  3. Click New List

    1. Purpose of List: Select Discussion (Moderated) from the dropdown
    2. List Name: Enter a name for your List
    3. List Description: Enter a short description of the mailing list 
    4. Admin Name: Enter the name of the Administrator of this List (Can be changed later in Members: Edit Member.)
    5. Admin Email Address: Enter the email address of the Administrator of this List (Can be changed later in Members: Edit Member.)
    6. Admin Password: Create a password for the Administrator of this List (Can be changed later in Members: Edit Member.)
    7. Mail stream: Select the Mail stream that the List will be part of from the dropdown
    8. Recency limit (Optional): Enter the number of days that must elapse without sending a message before another message is sent to a member.

This optional setting excludes those who have received a certain amount of mail recently from receiving more mail. By default, ListManager will send to everyone regardless of how much mail they have received recently. Setting a recency limit for the list allows you to prevent members from receiving email if they have received the amount of mail in the number of preceding days that you specify here.

By default, no recency limit is set. To set or edit your recency limit, click edit recency. You will be taken to Utilities: List Settings: Basic Information: Choose Recency. To remove a previously set recency setting, click clear recency.

Note that a recency limit will not be available for your first list.

  1. Click Save

  1. Navigate to Utilities > List Settings > Email Submitted Content > Approval and verify:
    1. Is List Moderated?: Ensure this is set to Moderated

Once created, users can email the list for the Administrator to approve using the List's address, e.g.

Create a Segment to Send Approved Messages to

Follow the steps in the How to Create a Segment article if you do not already have a Segment where you want the approved messages to be delivered. Once created, you will use the segment's address to send approved messages to, e.g.

Moderating and Approving Messages for Delivery to a Segment

After creating a Moderated List and Segment that you want to deliver Approved messages to, when members send an email to the Moderated List, follow these instructions:

  1. As the Administrator, you will receive an email message requesting message approval. Attached to the message is the message that needs to be approved.

  2. To approve the message, reply with the following in the body of your message:

  3. login <PASSWORD>

moderate approve <MESSAGE_ID>

Where <PASSWORD> is the password for your account on ListManager and <MESSAGE_ID> is the message ID of the message that needs approval
To reject the message, reply with the following in the body of your message:

login <PASSWORD>moderate reject <MESSAGE_ID>

NOTE: Only replace <PASSWORD> and <MESSAGE_ID> in these replies. Your username is connected by your email address

  1. ListManager will reply and indicate that the message has been approved or rejected, depending on the command you replied within Step 2. If approved, the approved message is attached and can be forwarded to the segment you created in the previous section using the segment's address, e.g.



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