mporting members from a text file:
1. Navigate to Members : Add Members : Import Members from Text File
2. Choose an 'Action' radio option, the options are:
- Import quietly as regular members
Import the members into the list, but do not send a hello or confirmation message. These members will receive normal list mailings.
- Import as regular members and send list hello doc
- Import as unconfirmed members, and send confirmation request
Import the members into the list as unconfirmed, and send them the confirmation message as specified for your list in Utilities: Document Associations. If no document is specified here, new members will receive a generic message from ListManager. These members will not receive normal list mailings until they confirm their memberships.
3. Choose a 'Terminate import' option from the drop down menu, the options are:
- Terminate import
This parameter sets the number of consecutive invalid email addresses to end the import process. For example if you select 'After 10 consecutive malformed addresses', ListManager will terminate the import process after 10 bad addresses are imported. Alternatively, if you select "Do not terminate import due to malformed addresses", the import process will continue to process.
4. 'Select file' click the browse button to choose the text file that you wish to import.
5. Click the import button to initiate the import process.
Note: Do NOT close the window until the import is comp