Mailing fails to be sent or aborts Print

  • merge tages, failed mailing, mailing aborted
  • 0

Typical symptoms:

  • The recipient transaction log displays "Message Load Failed". 
    The recipient transaction log can be found under "Mailings : Mailing Status : View Outgoing Mailing : Mailing Recipients : Recipient Sending Details".

    For example:
    Thu, 29 Jan 2009 11:34:51
    - Message load failed.
  • The mailing transaction log displays "Thu, 29 Jan 2009 11:37:45 - Message aborted due to the following scripting error:  Closing delimiter not found when processing message …”
    The mailing transaction log can be found under "Mailings : Mailing Status : Mail Queues : Outgoing : View Message".



The most common reason for a 'message load failed' error is a malformed merge tag. A malformed merge tag can be caused by:

  • a missing or malformed delimiter, such as when %% is missing from the merge tag.
  • syntax errors or inadvertent spaces added to the merge tag.  

To address the problem, you need to review the pre-encoded content and debug your HTML content line by line. 

 Note: Depending on how the mailing was created, the source of the content may be stored in different places. For example, if the content is stored in ListManager, go to "Content : View Content" and  review the HTML body section of the content used to create the mailing.

 Example of a malformed merge tag:

 <a href="%%track {}" </a>

 Please note that there is a missing set of percent characters, which acts as the closing delimiter. A closing delimiter tells List Manager that this particular command or merge tag is complete.


Corrected merge tag, with correct syntax:


<a href="%%track {}%%"</a>


Once the merge tag is corrected, you can reuse the content to resend the mailing.


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