How to disable the HTML Editor Print

  • Disable HTML editor, site level, Content
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This solution describes the steps to disable the ListManager HTML Editor. By default, the ListManager HTML Editor is enabled through a site-level configuration setting. 

Disabling the ListManager HTML Editor

  1. Login to ListManager as a server administrator
  2. Navigate to "Utilities: Administration: Sites"
  3. "Site Name" column, click on a site to modify
  4. "Enable WYSIWYG editor?" change the radio option button to "disabled"
  5. Click "Save" to save the configuration changes


  • Modifying the site level setting will disable the editor for all content, including content which was created prior to making the configuration change.
  • (optional) Steps are provided below for making granular changes to specific content and mailings.

Disabling the ListManager HTML Editor for Content or Mailing:
For Content:

  1. Navigate to "Content: View Content"
  2. Under the "Content Name" column, click on an existing content record OR click "New Content" to modify the editor option for new content
  3. Click the "HTML Message" tab
  4. Click  the "Disable HTML" button
  5. Click "Save" to save the configuration changes

For Mailings:

  1. Navigate to "Mailings: New Mailing"
  2. Navigate to the "Message" tab
  3. Click  the "Disable HTML" button
  4. Click "Save" to save the configuration changes

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