How to create a survey Print

  • Surveys, how to create a survey
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surveys are used to engage and interact with readers. After conducting the survey, view and analyze the results in "Reports: Surveys".
After using a survey, it is possible to segment on the response, targeting members who respond to a particular question in a specified way, or members who don't respond at all.

Creating and Using Surveys:
To include a link to a survey in a mailing, first create the survey form:

  1. In the left Navigation bar, click "Utilities: Web Forms: Surveys"
  2. Click the "Create New" button
  3. Provide an internal survey name and survey name to display publicly
  4. Click "add" to add the desired questions to the survey (repeat as necessary)
    1. Choose "select" for multiple choice or text entry question
    2. Fill in the respective information for the question
      • Note: click the light blue question mark in the top right corner, which provides a link to the documentation about the various available fields when creating a question.
  5. Click "Preview" to see what the form will look like
  6. Click "Save" to save this survey form
    • A URL is provided that can be posted on a website for anonymous surveying.
    • Choosing the saved survey provides an "Edit Source" button, where the HTML can be edited to change the look and feel of the survey.

Once the survey is created, insert the survey link into mailing content with the following steps:

  1. In the left Navigation bar, click "Content: Create New Content"
  2. Select the HTML tab
  3. Click the "Insert URL" button
  4. Select the "Survey" tab
  5. Select the Survey from the drop-down field
  6. Enter the clickable text for the survey link
  7. Click "Insert"
    • A link to the survey will be inserted into the content
  8. Continue with normal content creation

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