What are the different members kinds Print

  • member kinds, message formatting
  • 0


Product: ListManager

Version: N.A.

What are the different member kinds?

Membership kind is used to determine what type of mail a member will receive.

Member Kinds:

  • Mail
    • When a mail is sent to the list, the user will receive a copy of that message.
  • Digest
    • Each night, the user will receive a single email message containing all the messages contributed to the mailing list that day in plain-text.
  • MIME Digest
    • The same as a digest, except that the message is in MIME format so that the individual messages' formatting is preserved.
  • Index
    • Each night, the user will receive a single email message containing all the subject lines of all the messages contributed to the mailing list that day.
  • Nomail
    • No email is sent to the user.

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