Enabling Tracking for a Mailing Print

  • tracking
  • 0


Product: ListManager

Version: N.A.

How to enable tracking for a mailing?

Open and link tracking can be added to mailings in order to monitor member activity and track responses.

Tracking a Mailing

  1. Navigate to "Mailings: New Mailing"
  2. Input the HTML, Text, headers, and any other options as normal
  3. Change to the "Tracking" tab
    • Track Opens - This provides the ability to track when an HTML client opens a mailing (text cannot be tracked for open)
    • Track all URLs - This will replace all links with tracking equivalents so that when a link is clicked it will be recorded in ListManager
  4. Save the mailing by choosing the "Save" button


  • Not all license levels provide tracking functionality.
  • Tracking will require that the ListManager web server be accessible from the internet.

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