Link a Referral Form and Invitation Content to a Mailing Print

  • create new content, invitation content
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How to link a referral form and invitation content to a mailing?

Linking the referral form and invitation content  to a mailing:

  1. Navigate to "Content: Create New Content"
  2. Populate the "Content name" and "Description:" and "Subject:" fields
  3. Navigate to the: "HTML Message" tab
  4. Click on "Insert URL"
  5. Navigate to the "Referral" tab
  6. Populate "Clickable text:"
  7. Choose a value from the "Invitation content:" drop-down field
  8. Choose a value from the "HTML Referral Form:" drop-down field
  9. Click "Insert"
  10. Click "Save"
  11. Click "Create Mailing"

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