Identify and Purge Types of Members Print

  • purging inactive members, inactive members, Purge
  • 0

There are essentially two methods in which you can identify a type of member and then purge/delete them from a list.

Method 1

You are able to setup ListManager to automatically purge/remove types of members on a periodic basis.  The functionality can be found in the Automatic Maintenance section:

Navigate to Utilities: List Settings: Automatic Maintenance: Purging Inactive Members

The available options are :

  • Purge held
  • Purge unconfirmed
  • Purge unapproved
  • Purge expired
  • Purge unsubscribed
  • Remove old referred members

For each of the above, the range of settings varies from ‘Never Purge’ to ‘Purge after 365 days”.

Method 2

The second method would be used if you are simply removing members on a one-off basis.
Navigate to Members: View Members

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