I can't see some of my lists Print

  • missing lists
  • 0

It is possible to have a different password for every list.

If you change your password for one list but not for another list, and you log in with your new password, you won't see the lists for which you haven't updated your password because the password you're logged in with is no good for those other lists.

There are two ways to fix this problem:

1. Log in with the old password to see the other lists (but not the current list).
2. Update your password across all lists.

To update your password across all lists:

1. Navigate to:

Utilities: Administration: Administrators: View List Admins

2. Search for yourself.
3. Click on your email address.
4. Input a new password.
5. Click Save.

When you are prompted to select the lists for which you want to update the password for, select all of them.

Tip: You can select all the lists by holding the Shift key and pressing the End key while you've got the top list selected.

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