ListManager -Purge Hello, Confirm, Unsubscribe, and Test Messages Print

  • Purge, unsubscribe, test messages
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How to purge hello, confirm, unsubscribe, and test messages?



This solution describes the steps to purge hello, confirm, unsubscribe, and test messages. Steps include configuring archival settings and executing the ListManager scheduled task.

Configuring purge settings:

  1. Login as a server administrator
  2. Navigate to "Utilities : Administration : Server : Server Settings : Automatic Maintenance"
  3. Click the tab "Purging Old Data"
  4. Add a numeric value for  "Clean outgoing mail queue, the default is "0" (The outgoing mail queue will display this number of days' worth of completed outgoing mail messages. Older mail will be deleted from the database.)
  5. Add a numeric value for "Clean incoming mail queue", the default is "0" (The incoming mail queue will display this number of days' worth of completed incoming mail messages. Older mail will be deleted from the database.)
  6. Click "Save"
  7. Navigate to "Utilities : Administration : Server : Server Settings : Scheduled Tasks"
  8. Select the "Delete Done Mail" by clicking "Edit"
  9. Schedule the job to run now or allow the job at the default frequency of "Every Day"


  • This solution will not delete mailings that are list postings or regular mailings. 
  • ListManager performance may be impacted due to the overhead of executing the scheduled task.


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