ListManager | Customize "Goodbye" message sent when user unsubscribes from a list Print

  • goodbye message, server Documents, Automated Messages
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Steps to customize "Goodbye" message sent when user unsubscribes from a list


Create Document

  • If there is no custom "Goodbye" message created, ListManager will send out a pre-defined message which can be found under Utilities > Automated Messages > Document Content and then selecting 'Server Documents' from the drop-down menu.
  • You can create a Copy which you can then customize:
  1. Navigate to Utilities > Automated Messages > Document Content
  2. Select 'Server Documents' from the drop-down menu
  3. Click on 'Copy' for content "message-list-goodbye"
  4. Update Name and Description
  5. Select list
  6. Click Copy
  7. Select 'List Documents' from the drop-down menu
  8. Click on the newly created document to edit.
  9. Update the field that you would like to customize such as from Address, Subject, or the body of the message (HTML or Text message).
  10. Click Save

Create Association

  • You must then Update or Create the new association under
    Utilities > Automated Messages > Document Associations
  1. Click on 'Create New'
  2. Select 'Message Type: List Goodbye Document'
  3. Select in Document, the newly created document.
  4. Change 'Is Default' to 'Yes'
  5. Click Save


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