Steps to customize "Goodbye" message sent when user unsubscribes from a list
Create Document
- If there is no custom "Goodbye" message created, ListManager will send out a pre-defined message which can be found under Utilities > Automated Messages > Document Content and then selecting 'Server Documents' from the drop-down menu.
- You can create a Copy which you can then customize:
- Navigate to Utilities > Automated Messages > Document Content
- Select 'Server Documents' from the drop-down menu
- Click on 'Copy' for content "message-list-goodbye"
- Update Name and Description
- Select list
- Click Copy
- Select 'List Documents' from the drop-down menu
- Click on the newly created document to edit.
- Update the field that you would like to customize such as from Address, Subject, or the body of the message (HTML or Text message).
- Click Save
Create Association
- You must then Update or Create the new association under
Utilities > Automated Messages > Document Associations
- Click on 'Create New'
- Select 'Message Type: List Goodbye Document'
- Select in Document, the newly created document.
- Change 'Is Default' to 'Yes'
- Click Save