ListManager - Verifying a Mailing was Generated from Email Submitted Content or Through the Web Interface Print

  • Email submitted content, web interface submitted content
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How to verify if a mailing was generated from email submitted content or through the ListManager web interface?


This solution describes the how to verify if a mailing was generated from email submitted content or by using the ListManager web interface.


  • Email submitted content implies that mailings are sent to a list address from an email client. 
  • ListManager Web Interface emails are generated by navigating to:
  1. Mailings : New Mailing
  2. Mailings : Advanced Mailings : Triggered Mailings
  3. Mailings : Advanced Mailings : Sequential Mailings

Verifying mailings:

  1. Navigate to : Mailings : Mailing Status : Mail Queues : Incoming
  2. Click on the Mailing ID
  3. Locate "Sent by e-mail"
  • "Yes" represents "Email Submitted Content" mailings.
  • "No" represents "ListManager web interface" mailings.

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