ListManager - What is a segment?
Question: What is a segment?
Solution: A segment is a query that limits the recipients for a mailing. This can be leveraged to target a particular demographic.To create a segment:
- Navigate to Segments on the navigation bar
- Click "Create New Segment"
- Provide a segment name, the name must be all lower case with no spaces
- Provide a description
- Click "Insert Clause" to choose the criteria of the segment
- On the text field tab, you can choose the Domain field to send only to a certain ISPs domain.
- For "If member text field:" select "members_.Domain_"
- For "Is:" select "= equal to"
- For "This value:" type the name of the domain, e.g. ''
- On the date tab, you can target members that joined in the current month by selecting DateJoined.
- For "If this:" select "exact date and time"
- For "In this field:" select "members_.DateJoined_"
- For "Is:" select "> after"
- For "This date:" type the date for the first of the month (or other recent date).
- On the Action tab, you can target members based on if they opened the previous mailing.
- For "If list member:" select "opened"
- For "This mailing:" select the last mailing sent from the dropdown.
7. Click "Save".