Can Members Subscribe Over the Web Print

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Two methods are available for web subscription.  Users can subscribe through the ListManager web interface and through a ListManager form posted on an external website.

Server web interface

Subscribe by directing members to a ListManager URL:


  • yourlistmanager is the URL to the admin interface
  • listname is the name of the list
Through this URL, a member can input their email address and subscribe to the list. By default, members will be asked to confirm their subscription when using this method.


This confirmation behavior can be changed following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Utilities: List Settings: New Subscriber Policy
  2. Change the "Confirm subscribes" radio button as desired.

Web form
The alternate method is to create an HTML form that can reside on any website. This method can provide a high degree of optional customization.

  1. Navigate to: Utilities: Web Forms: New Subscribe Form
  2. Adjust the form as desired to collect any additional information with the email address.
  3. Click "Get HTML" to see the HTML of the form.
  4. Copy this HTML into the desired page on the website.

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