ListManager - The error "This message does not exist in our archive" is displayed when sending a test mailing Print

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The error "This message does not exist in our archive" is displayed when clicking on an archive link in a test mailing.

 When sending a test mailing using the %%url.mailing%% merge tag and subsequently clicking the URL to view the message in a browser.  A dialog box opens displaying "Sorry.  This message does not exist in our archive".

This issue also applies to Social Networking links inserted using the Insert URL button in the HTML editor.  The links to social networks will work, but the link given to post to the social network will not work.

The error message only displays when performing a test mailing, since an archive of the message is not saved during a test mailing.  When the actual mailing is sent, the link will redirect to the correct content.

To test the %%url.mailing%% function, a test segment will need to be created. Populate the test segment with only List Administrator's (or with one test email address) then send the mailing only to the test segment.

NOTE: Archives must be saved for %%url.mailimg%% to function properly.  The setting to save archives is located here:

Utilities : List Settings : Basic Information : Enable Features

This must be done per list.

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