Why would I need to merge anything other than member demographics?
The most common need to merge in columns other than member demographics is for configuring web analytics such as Google analytics or to merge mailing information into the URL for use by a website application. It is even possible to merge in fields from another database on the same database server as ListManager. The merge syntax to use is dependent on if the merge field appears in a URL or in a mailing:
- URL Syntax
- ?[merge TableName.ColumnName]
- Example: <a href="http://www.example.com/[merge outmail_.messageid_]">text</a>
- Mailing Syntax
- ?%%merge TableName.ColumnName%%
- Example: %%merge urls_.urlid%%
- Please see this link for the documentation on using merge tags.
I am using the correct syntax, but my test mailings show nothing is being merged.
The reason that the merge field is blank is because ListManager relies on the chosen segment to determine which tables it should look at for merging. Without defining other tables in the segment, ListManager will only look at the members_ table which either causes the merge field to be blank or the mailing to fail. Follow these steps to join another table into a mailing:
- Create the segment to be used for the mailing, or select the segment if it is already made. Because the default segment to send to the entire list is not editable a new segment is necessary:
- Create a new segment that has "If member text field:" set to "members_.EmailAddr_" and "Is:" set to "not null."
- While in the edit segment screen where the query box can be seen, click the Advanced tab.
- Type the names of the tables needed for the merge tags separated by commas if there are multiple tables.
- *Note* This is the field where other databases can be joined with the syntax "DatabaseName.Tablename" also separated by commas.
- The documentation on tables is helpful as the table name needs to be exact. The documentation can be found by clicking the "?" in the upper right corner, click search and enter "about ListManager tables".
- Click save.
- Edit the existing mailing, or create a new mailing.
- Click the recipients tab and select the segment created or edited earlier.